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Category Archives: Word Play
Prohibition and Andy Volstead’s Rapture
In Arthur C. Gulliver’s description of Lilliputian Drinking Laws, the ordinary reader will have no trouble spotting that the Lilliputian word ruquat, denoting a type of Lilliputian drinking vessel, is a near anagram for the English quart, having only the … Continue reading
Posted in Customs, Joseph Martin Cunningham, Language, Poetry, Politics, Prohibition, Word Play
Tagged Andrew Volstead, atheism, bathtub gin, Bizarro, Christianity, drinking, dry, egotism, End of Days, Flight of Souls, Heaven, Hell, holier-than-thou, humor, Joseph Cunningham, laws, Lilliput, Lilliputian customs, Louis Comfort Tiffany, May 21 2011, National Prohibition Act, parody, Pearly Gates, politics, Prohibition, quart, Randew Olvedts, Rapchaists, Rapture, ruquat, saint, sinner, St. Peter, thgbainbut, Volstead Act, whiskey
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